Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Update: Week 3 insanity, fit test & weigh in

Hey Guys and Dolls 

This is going to be a short post! 

I am now into week 3 round 3 of Insanity and I'm feeling much better then when I first started especially since I hadn't worked out for a month prior!

So I did my fit test on Monday and below are my results: 

Switch kicks: week 1 (60) week 3 (71)
Power jacks: week 1 (50) week 3 (49)
Power knees: week 1 (121) week 3 (123)
Power jumps: week1 (65) week 3 (76) - *shuffle* I hate this! But I dug deep! 
Globe jumps: week 1 (12) week 3 (12)
Suicide jumps: week 1 (19) week 3 (20)
Push-up jacks: week 1 (22) week 3 (25)
Low plank oblique: week 2 (44) week 3 (56)

As you can see there is mainly a big improvement and I hope to kick butt even more as the weeks go by!

I have decided I will get my hands on Insanity the Asylum once I finish this 3rd round! The Asylum takes you to the next level! If you have not done Insanity DON'T start with Asylum because it is for those who are already in shape but want to push to 'Athlete' status. I believe this should help me towards my need for defined abs lol. It also incorporates some resistance so I'm super excited about that.

Lastly I did my weigh in in Sunday and I weighed in at 56kg. That's 1.7kgs dropped since my last weigh in 9 days ago. I am able to see the difference and happy with results so far. Once I reach my 'idle' weight as the experts say (55kg) I will review and see if its got me to where I want to be. However in the past few days I had been thinking a lot and strongly believe I possibly need to add weights to my weekly activity again! That's why I'm looking forward to the Asylum workout! 

Any questions about my nutrition or workout please leave comments below!

Watch this space y'all xoxo

January 2012 (before I started my journey) to 16 June 2013

Typical meal once I break my 17/18 hour fast (currently eating about 1500 calories during my window- will up that once I reach 55kg)

Can you see them striations? *Hodge Twins Voice* Lol  my waists is now 25 inches when I started it was 34.5 



  1. Great job!

  2. Hello, am on day 22 of insanity and honestly, I av a love/hate relationship wiv it. I usually can't wait to start exercising but during the actual exercises I always ask God why oh why do I av 2 go tru dis lool. Anyway, I avent noticed much weightloss so I'm sure d problem's wiv my diet. Wanna get on the intermittent fasting. Bt I av a few questions.
    I.Am I allowed to eat suya during the eating window?
    Ii.I LOVE eating sweet potatoes+beans. Eat dem almost evryday I cut dem out of my diet or is it okay to eat dem during the eating window?

    1. Yes insanity can be intense but as your fitness levels go up you will find that you kEep up with the professionals! Key this is go at your own pace first!
      Q1, Suya is made of Red Meat its the fatiest rof all meats sor I would cut that out of your diet altogether! Its important that you know what you put in your mouth and frankly there is probably a lot of added salt/seasoning and oil in suya when its being prepares. Stick to lean grilled or fried (with canola oil/coconut oil) such as fish, chicken breast or turkey breast (no skin)

      Q2, sweat potato and beans are both great! However don't portion them together. Although beans is a form of protein it is also high in carbs, now I eat beans all the time! I just ensure I have beans, with fish and vegetables. You can do the same with your sweet potato. Don't be scared of carbs. Just stick to your whole grains and natural foods. Once you get your nutrition right the rest is easy!

  3. Hi Cy, thanks for reading. I do not have a timetable per say! I Intermittent fast which is basically fasting for a number of hours then eating during a particular window only. I fast for 18 hrs and eat in a 6 hour window this include my daily intake. I am also a Pecetarian which is like a Vegetarian but I eat fish which is the distinguishing feature. I eat lots of beans, Lentils, Vegetables, CousCous, some yam, whole wheat bread/wrap. On a typical plate I like to have a carb, protein and healthy fat - so maybe beans, fish (salmon/tilapia) and veg.I also eat lots of fruits. My eating window is between 1pm and 7pm so I eat all my allowance in that window. And currently eating about 1400 calories during that window
